Sam Stuewe (halosghost)


None of the opinions or ideas expressed on this site should be construed as official statements made on behalf of my current or former employers.


Personally and professionally, I focus on accessibility and empowerment for users. I have worked on accessibility technologies, e-commerce, and a wide variety of other sectors. Currently, I am working on the research and development of CBDC at the DCI. My experience has spanned a myriad of lower and higher-level languages (e.g., C, C++, C#, Lua, Haskell, Java, Typescript, and many others).

If interested, please read my full CV and this one-page resume.

Technical Talks

I am available to give technical talks on a variety of subjects; contact me for details, topics, and scheduling.


(Very) occasionally, I write articles on topics I find interesting.


Many of my personal projects are fairly stable, but there are many more features I am considering for each of them.

Academic Work

I graduated with Latin and departmental honors from Macalester College class of 2014, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. You can view the full text of my honors' thesis on GitHub.

Personal Interests

My interests are many, and varied. Generally though, I find the following topics to be deeply fascinating and I frequently return to considering them: